Apple Pie Oatmeal

One of my favorite quick, easy and healthy breakfasts is oatmeal, especially when I am postpartum and need something filling but good for you! And this apple pie variation makes it perfect for Fall!

So for all you pregnant & postpartum mama’s out there, give this Apple Pie Oatmeal recipe a try! You will feel satisfied, but never overstuffed or bloated. This recipe is seriously SO easy and SO satisfying!!

And while I loooooove a leisurely morning with my family, those rarely happen in our house! That’s why I love this recipe so much. It is perfect for me because it’s so simple to make and keeps me full for hours so I can stay energized for my 4 kiddos!!! 

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 1 serving of steel cut oats (I like these because they have more protein and are usually gluten free, but you can use any oats here) 
  • 6oz greek yogurt (I use Oikos)
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Half or Full apple chopped
  • Optional: Raw Honey (raw and local is best! But no raw honey for babes under 1!) 


  1. Start by cooking your oatmeal or steel cut oats as directed on the package.
  2. Add 1 cup of cooked steel cut oats (or oatmeal) to the bowl.
  3. Add 6oz of Oikos Greek yogurt (this is my fave cause it doesn’t haven’t any sugar!)
  4. Stir in honey if you want it sweetened 
  5. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on yogurt
  6. Top with cut honeycrisp apples
  7. Stir together & enjoy!!

If you are a member of my Made for More Community and follow the Ultimate Portion Fix nutrition program, this recipe is 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 red.

Melissa Brewer

Melissa Brewer

I am a mom of 4, married to my part time cowboy, Jeffrey, living in the mountains of Utah.

I know exactly what it feels like to put everyone else’s needs above my own. It’s something I’ve struggled with since I become a mom.

But, one day I decided what I needed most was to start putting my self-care higher on the priority list and that’s when everything changed for me.

I made fitness my business. I decided to give it a shot because I saw other working moms who were just like me slaying!! So why couldn’t I?!

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